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The Playful Tao

Liberating the Wisdom of the Heart through Improvisation

In this workshop, we weave a transformational space through sharing stories about our lives, which will be enacted through improvisational
play of sound and movement.

This workshop empowers you to live from a place of wholeness that your heart always knows! You will learn skills for emotional integration and experience a sense of belonging.

No prior experience required.

Come to either session, or both!

Ongoing practice group follows.

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Spring Cheng, Joe Shirley

As cross-cultural and co-creative partners, we are grateful to ground our relationship in our Inner Earth. Our passion is to facilitate people to embody wholeness. Joe's emphasis is on restoring the wisdom of feeling. Spring's emphasis is on regenerating the indigenous knowledge of Tao through the interplay of yin and yang.

Sunday, November 6th and/or November 20th
2:00 -5:00 PM

Sliding Scale: $60-100/session
No One Turned Away for Lack of Funds 

Curious? FREE optional Zoom Intro!
Join us this Saturday, Oct 22nd
2:00 - 3:00PM

Text or call: 425-830-7855

📍 Heartsong Transformative Arts Center 5685 Sand Rd,

Bellingham, WA 9822

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